Entries by Jeff Schwisow

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Are you making your diverse workplace into a tribe?

The evidence is clear – there’s value in diversity. Research pretty clearly shows that businesses with greater overall diversity are more innovative and have higher profitability when compared with the averages. But to tap into the ideas and perspectives of people with diverse physical characteristics and backgrounds, you have to build trust. That means tapping into […]

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Valuing diversity starts with the diversity you already have

So… How do you get more value from your diversity and inclusion initiatives? How do you ensure that your diversity activities don’t alienate employees when you want to make them feel more included? How do you turn your organisation’s investment in greater demographic diversity into the innovation and revenue returns that the research says we […]


Creating culture is like gardening

In my work with business and team leaders, the question of ‘culture’ invariably comes up… “Jeff, it sounds like what you’re really talking about is creating a specific culture.” To that I often respond that culture isn’t something that a leader creates – culture belongs to your people. Your role as a leader is to […]