
‘Diversity’ is NOT a human resources problem…

...that’ll be solved by changing the demographics of your organisation. In fact, it isn’t a problem at all. It’s the most powerful and important leadership opportunity of the 21st century. It’s a chance for you, as a leader,…
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Are you making your diverse workplace into a tribe?

The evidence is clear – there’s value in diversity. Research pretty clearly shows that businesses with greater overall diversity are more innovative and have higher profitability when compared with the averages. But to tap into the ideas…
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Valuing diversity starts with the diversity you already have

So… How do you get more value from your diversity and inclusion initiatives? How do you ensure that your diversity activities don’t alienate employees when you want to make them feel more included? How do you turn your organisation’s…
Random acts of gratitude - Ben Waites
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Random Acts of Gratitude – Ben Waites

A couple of weeks back, my friend Mykel Dixon issued an invitation…well, it wasn’t so much an invitation as a dare. A dare to extend random acts of gratitude to people that bring light and beauty into the world. Not the usual suspects.…
Silence is the path to our best possible future
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Does the path to our best possible future live in the silence?

Recently, I was rehearsing the closing of my DIVERSIFY keynote and – for the first time in a long time – I connected to the meaning of the words that makes it one of my favourite songs of all time. I re-affirmed – for myself – that valuing…