So you want to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace that’s both good for business and good for your people?! Then there are some fundamental challenges that you’ll need to overcome. There are some mindsets that you’ll likely need to shift.
In the first episode of this three-part video series, I share the initial challenge that many businesses face when trying to create a more powerfully diverse and productively inclusive organisation.
We’re asking plenty of questions about the problems in our workplaces, but we’re not asking enough of the RIGHT questions about the solutions.
This idea smacked me in the face when I was listening to an interview with Dr Claudia Golden on HBR’s Women at Work podcast. The interviewer, Amy Bernstein, ask her a simple question about the headline statistic in the gender wage gap discussion.
But the response took a turn that no one expected…It turns out we’re asking the wrong questions!
WHY? Why do the imbalances and inequality exist? Why do these social dynamics play out across industries and geographies?
HOW? How do business and social traditions interact to create these dynamics? How do they play out over time?
WHAT? What can business leaders do to create systemic changes that interrupts the cycle and stops it from playing out again over the next 15 or 20 years for people currently entering their workplace?
You can watch Challenge #1 here.
Be sure to check out this episode of the Women at Work podcast if you want to dig deeper…
And don’t miss the next episode where I explore a second, more-pressing challenge in diversifying your workplace!
I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!