
‘Diversity’ is NOT a human resources problem…

...that’ll be solved by changing the demographics of your organisation. In fact, it isn’t a problem at all. It’s the most powerful and important leadership opportunity of the 21st century. It’s a chance for you, as a leader,…
Time to stop flapping about and survey your situation

Now is the time to move from reaction to adaptation

As just about everyone is saying, these are indeed unprecedented times. The speed and pervasiveness of the change created by the global pandemic compares to nothing else that the world has seen. It has called for rapid, decisive action to ensure…

Creating culture is like gardening

In my work with business and team leaders, the question of ‘culture’ invariably comes up… “Jeff, it sounds like what you’re really talking about is creating a specific culture.” To that I often respond that culture isn’t something…

The best strategy comes from walking forward into the present

In an improvisation workshop I was taking, the instructor explained that “good improv is like walking backwards into the future. You’re constantly on the lookout for the things around you – the things that you and your fellow improvisors…
What will replace command and control management?
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Strategy is not something you have it’s something you do

Strategy comes from a military tradition and was based on the knowledge that to successfully pursue your objectives in highly uncertain and constantly changing environments, you need future-focused thinking that’s fluid…
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Use a project mindset to create a bridge between the business and your people

In today’s constantly shifting business landscape, the thriving organisations will be those that are nimble enough to adapt at the pace of change. To create this fast-paced adaptability, business leaders need to establish and maintain a meaningful…

You need a roadmap to successfully navigate the strategic journey

In today’s highly-dynamic world, strategy-making needs to be more than just strategic planning, although planning is certainly involved. It’s not simply high-level strategic thinking because thought alone doesn’t drive business outcomes.…
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The ‘business of busyness’ creates a definition of productivity that undermines our preparation for the future

To thrive – or perhaps even survive – in today’s highly dynamic environment, requires future-focused thinking that’s fluid. It requires anticipatory activity that will allow you to adapt to conditions and events as they unfold. It requires…