After 3 decades of building teams and helping leaders get the very best from their people, I know that leaders don’t need to be preached at about the problems in the workplace…they’re tired of being persuaded to change.
So, I use my experience and insights to show leaders how workplace change can make them more nimble, adaptable and innovative in an ever-changing world. I share how they can tap into their people’s diversity of knowledge, perspectives and experiences to expand their leadership bandwidth and increase their leadership impact.
AND I use the power of music, dance and story to amaze them into believing that change is possible.
My Epiphany
I started my professional life managing infrastructure construction projects. Initially, as a design project manager in the US and then moving to overall design and construction project management when I moved overseas in the late 90s.
I was always a “student of the project management game” – rigorously studying and applying traditional practices. But I saw quite early on that these practices weren’t enough to ensure success. I realised that project management practices (in fact, all management practices) are there to help managers manage – they weren’t developed to make teams work more effectively together.
So, most of my adult life I have been on a quest to uncover the secret sauce for consistently delivering successful outcomes on complex team endeavours. This journey has led me to explore a range of principles and practices for elevating team performance. BUT they were still just practices…there was always something missing.
My epiphany came at 2:30 am on the final day of the bid period for a $200 million construction project in 2001. It was a lesson I learned in 90 life-changing-seconds from a word processor named Robin.
She showed me that you get the best from people when they’re seen for their best…when they’re asked to give their best. It was the moment I realised the true power of teams is in giving all of your people an opportunity to contribute…because that creates more opportunities for the business. More opportunities for the business expand the opportunities for your people to grow…increasing the value of their contribution.
By valuing people for their human uniqueness, you create an upward spiral of creativity, collaboration and performance. A source of perpetual progress that’s constantly moving your business forward and motivating your people to be a more powerful force in that business.
What makes Me unique
My uniqueness comes from the diverse knowledge and experience I’ve gained in this 30+ year search for what creates the best teams. It’s my thirst for learning what allows people to be their best and how to engage and motivate them so they bring that ‘best’ to their collective endeavours.
Specifically, it’s the experience of having spent years presenting to boards, working with senior business leaders and leading senior management teams. But also the insights of having spent months sitting side-by-side with engineers, blue-collar supervisors and administrative staff exploring the things that enable – or disable – them to do their very best work every single day. Asking them what things could be done to help them to be their best.
And it’s my willingness to take risks – to be vulnerable – in sharing what I’ve learned with other leaders.
Who’s the REAL Jeff?
Like most of us, the answer to that question has many facets…but here’s a glimpse…
I share a hilltop in Healesville, Victoria – in Australia’s beautiful Yarra Valley – with my wife, 2 dogs and 3 alpacas.
Healesville gives me access to my clients all over the world (an airport and the Melbourne CBD are an hour away) while allowing me to stay grounded in the things that are important to me and HOW I do business. A love and respect for the beauty of the natural environment. A community that’s broadly diverse in background, socio-economics, ethnicity and political perspective…yet with a strong sense of support and cooperation. It’s a place where we get the chance to know each other as humans – not the abstraction of job or status or demographics.
I love to write and play music with friends. I enjoy getting my mountain bike out on the local trails and walking with my dogs through the hills. Heather and I love gathering with friends to share good wine, good food and vibrant conversation.
And did I mention I can see 6 wineries and the 3-time winner of ‘International Gin Distillery of the Year’ from house?!
Ready to make some magic with your team or at your event?
Through my speaking, I love nothing more than helping leaders build a bridge between their organisation and its people. A bridge that…
Weaves your stands of leadership activity
Into a tapestry of dreams that become a reality
A business that is nimble, innovative and exciting
Where your customers are captivated, growing and delighted
And the workplace is motivated, engaging and adaptable…
…because your people are more valuable than human capital.
Please provide details of your event. We’ll get back to you straightaway to book a time to chat and get the ball rolling toward creating an exceptional conference or event experience.
It doesn’t matter what stage of planning you’re at, it pays to check availability and see how we might be able to assist.